Adult Crisis Intervention Services (ACIS)
The goal of our program is to help you manage your immediate life crisis, decrease stress, increase coping ability and achieve stability in a structured, supportive, safe environment.

Our Team
Our team is led by a multidisciplinary team of experts, including a:
- Board Certified Psychiatrist
- Psychiatric Advance Practice Nurse
- RN’s
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers
- Clinician and Behavior Health Counselors.
Together you and the treatment team will meet to discuss your individual symptoms, situation, expectations, goals for treatment and a plan of action for discharge.
Together, you and the treatment team, will meet to discuss your individual symptoms, situation, expectations, goals for treatment and a plan of action for discharge.
- Elements of treatment include:
- Therapy groups
- Educational groups
- Activity and art therapy groups
- Opportunity to relate to other people with similar needs.
- Staff available 24/7 to listen and support you on your journey.
- Family contact will only occur with written consent from patient.
Prior to discharge, you and your treatment team with will work together to create a long-term wellness aftercare plan that works best for you.

What to Expect
- A Community Setting – You are expected to be awake, dressed and ready to be an active participant in your treatment.
- Home Environment
- Washer and dryer are available for use.
- Cable TV is available in the community group room when group is not in session.
- Attire – Regular clothing with some limitations for safety reasons. (No strings, belts, boots, etc.)
- Communication – Patient phone calls are available several times per day. Personal cell phone use is not permitted.
- Visitors – Visitor are permitted in the evening during visitor hours Monday through Friday, and afternoon visiting hours are permitted on the weekends.
- Visitors must be over the age of 16.
- Average Stay – A patient’s stay is typically three to five days, but is dependent on individual circumstances and stabilization.
- There is a 48-hour process if you wish to leave prior to the treatment team recommendation.
- Medical Treatment – A physical exam, medical history and bloodwork will be required upon admitting.
Follow-up Care
The social worker and the team will work together to create a plan that helps the patient in their recovery. This plan will include aftercare appointments, and is designed with consideration to home and work schedules, along with the recommendations of the treatment team.
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